Thank you, sparrowdown and jp, for posting -- much appreciated!
compound complex
JoinedPosts by compound complex
For Smiddy: Cool and Damp
by compound complex ingosh, smiddy, it's nice to have a request for poetry!.
"the black oaks" describes where i live in the california sierra foothills; we are, for the most part, above the fog and below the snow.
nevertheless, we do get both occasionally.
The Governing Body's credibility
by UnshackleTheChains ingiven the proliferation of websites, youtube channels, books and other forms of media attention focusing on the extreme policies, teachings and scandals of the watchtower bible and tract society; where does this now leave the governing body's credibility?.
compound complex
G. Loesch, in some courtroom proceeding, stated he was not answerable to the Watch Tower Corporation, a legal entity. From sometime back there was a separation made between the corporate and the spiritual bodies.
I'm sure another poster can find the exact quotation. My 2 cents is a scant memory of what I had read.
For Smiddy: Cool and Damp
by compound complex ingosh, smiddy, it's nice to have a request for poetry!.
"the black oaks" describes where i live in the california sierra foothills; we are, for the most part, above the fog and below the snow.
nevertheless, we do get both occasionally.
compound complex
Smiddy: The picture above is one I painted many years ago, It declares my wonder of and fascination with water and mountains (where I spent my childhood).
Note: I meant in the OP to write Sierra Nevada Foothills.
For Smiddy: Cool and Damp
by compound complex ingosh, smiddy, it's nice to have a request for poetry!.
"the black oaks" describes where i live in the california sierra foothills; we are, for the most part, above the fog and below the snow.
nevertheless, we do get both occasionally.
For Smiddy: Cool and Damp
by compound complex ingosh, smiddy, it's nice to have a request for poetry!.
"the black oaks" describes where i live in the california sierra foothills; we are, for the most part, above the fog and below the snow.
nevertheless, we do get both occasionally.
compound complex
Smiddy: I admit to Split-Personality Disorder; in this tale of youth, I claim to love the fog.
Can you really know a person?
THE PACIFIC COAST was my surrogate guardian. It held both my heart and my spirit within its mighty bosom.
My impoverished family loved and cherished the sea, stretching outward beyond infinity; but it was I, more than the others, who took to the e'er dreary landscape. In a most peculiar manner, the dank surroundings soothed me and enveloped me in crawling mists that were more welcome to me than the evaporating rays of a cavorting summer sun.
I, however, am no longer that pensive lad who found comfort in the dark and cold and deep blue sea. Today, a man in the physical sense, I do not possess that childlike fascination with my former abode. I reside in The City. Luxuries absent during youth abound, satisfying beyond mere need. The sterile vista I gaze upon is that of steel and stone and glass; its combination in regal, imposing edifices commands my admiring view yet scarcely my heart.
Yesterday's child has vanished from all remembrance . . .
For Smiddy: Cool and Damp
by compound complex ingosh, smiddy, it's nice to have a request for poetry!.
"the black oaks" describes where i live in the california sierra foothills; we are, for the most part, above the fog and below the snow.
nevertheless, we do get both occasionally.
For Smiddy: Cool and Damp
by compound complex ingosh, smiddy, it's nice to have a request for poetry!.
"the black oaks" describes where i live in the california sierra foothills; we are, for the most part, above the fog and below the snow.
nevertheless, we do get both occasionally.
compound complex
Gosh, smiddy, it's nice to have a request for poetry!
"The Black Oaks" describes where I live in the California Sierra foothills; we are, for the most part, above the fog and below the snow. Nevertheless, we do get both occasionally. I hated the fog on the coast where I grew up. Now, I welcome it.
Thanks again.
Frank aka Coco
I WATCH THE BLACK OAKS OF MY WOOD SWAY gently against an early morning expanse that is an uncharacteristic gray, but a gray illumined by a softer and gentler summer's sun.
What yesterday had been the regal, glossy green leaves of the stately sentinels are today, rather, a buffed sage foliage that I do not recall ever having viewed before. Somehow the look, the feel, the mood that overtake me right now transport me back to the foggy coast of my youth. At that particular time of my life I was not so taken with the unrelenting cool of a Pacific summer.
Now, in this land of perpetual sun whose increasing rise in temperature is, in a frightening way, relentless, this sudden and uncommon wafting of damp and fresh upon my body is healing.
by compound complex inyou whispered in my ear that ne'er would you leave me.. but, truth be told, you died and went away before i could stand alone, or take a step, unless first you should offer a shoulder 'pon which to cry.. then, and only then, would i be free to take that path less traveled.
now, i tread that lonely road alone.. your promise to love forever buoyed my spirits, kept my sinking heart afloat.. you did not lie and break a solemn oath; you simply departed this pain-filled orb and went your way to another land.. does love reign eternal where you now reside?.
do promises, though long ago made, still hold their worth?.
compound complex
Thank you, LV101, for posting. I do appreciate it.
Broken Dreams
by compound complex ini am adrift, without rudder, in a sea of broken dreams.. my mind descends into a tangle of seaweed, which pulls my.
hapless frame downward into a black and sinister realm that.
holds its jailed without pity, with scant hope of future release.. i do love the land and all her beauty but fear the sea; i'm no.
compound complex
That is cool, Nancy!
Thank you!
Are you affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder?
by compound complex inas i intimate in the words below, i like autumn and winter, but there's a downward spiral in my emotions.
i'm in control, yet, .
rain, at long last, has touched both our land and my soul.
compound complex
That's good news, Virgochik!
I can understand, although for me it was going from the drippy, fog-enshrouded Pacific coast to here, in the Sierras -- what a difference.